Orquesta Dee Jay

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Forget It
(Orquesta Dee Jay)

Forget it,
oh God, its been so hard just trying to forget it
you felt the fire slowly dying and you let it
now suddenly is me against the world with out you.

I wonder,
how heaven could allow this cloud I'm under
to just keep thundering your name deep inside my brain
filling me with rain.

That feeling I was too blind to see
the thief of time come stealing
I never thought I lay just staring at the ceiling
with nothing but the naked night besides me.

Sure, I'll forget it,
when autumn leaves forget to turn to burning amber
and snowflakes can't recall to fall in mid December
when there is no trace but of the face I still remember.

I'll forget it, then, I'll forget it.
Sure, I'll forget it,
when autum leaves forget to turn to burning amber
and snowflakes can't recall to fall in mid December
when there is no trace but of the face I still remember.

I'll forget it, then, I'll forget it.

(Visto: 3,615)

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